It was a mad dash to get it all down three floors and loaded in the short window the moving company was giving us.
They even called a couple times nervous we wouldn't be ready in time for them to come pick up the pod. Thankfully they got it loaded in the nick of time and it was off!
We finished up cleaning and closing everything out at our place, and then went to Alison's to stay the night.
We said some tough goodbyes the next morning before we started off on our trip.
Our goal that day was to make it up to Monterey, CA.
We pulled off on a random pull-out on the side of the road to make a couple sandwiches for lunch. Little did we know when we walked a little further down to stretch our legs, we would find tons of sea lions!
We continued on highway 1 along the coast. Beautiful views, but winding roads along the cliffs.
We made it! We checked into our motel and headed out to Fisherman's Wharf.
Of course we had to get some clam chowder in a bread bowl.
It was so good, and a much needed break from the road.
We got a good night sleep at the Red Roof Inn and got loaded back up to hit the road again.
Before we left town we went down to Cannery Row to walk around a bit.
We went by the Sardine Factory, Monterey Bay Aquarium, the wax museum and more.
We also drove by Lovers Point and our old house.
It was such a fun way to start the trip! Time to actually start making our way East.