Thursday, January 17, 2019


Over the last year, this is what most of our afternoons and weekends looked like.

He would study anywhere he could, including the gym. This of course, was before the gym had to be dropped off entirely from the priority list - so that he could get in even more studying.

He would work, come home, and work some more.

Our kitchen table was his home most of the time. Saturday mornings consisted of 4 hour practice tests, every weekend.

Our wall decor even changed.

So many books, online platforms, flashcards, notebooks, donated study materials.

So many ups and downs, so many times he could have thrown in the towel, after an entire year of working towards it - he is a PMP! And I am SO proud of him.


  1. Uncle Benny!! This is a BIG deal. You da Man!

    hugs, Grammy and um.....Grandpa

  2. I am so proud too! Awesome work Benny! Just like Grammy says...You da Man!

  3. Seriously so proud of him! That is incredible. I can't believe he did it!!!! :) :) :) :)
