Friday, June 19, 2020

Bonnie is 7 months old!

Our birdy is now 7 months old. Three weeks ago she weighed in at 14 pounds, 7 ounces (14th percentile), so we think she is somewhere in the 15 pound range. She also measured 26.5 inches at that time (65th percentile). She has seemed to catch up to her peers despite being 6 weeks behind when she was born.

She can still fit into pretty much all her 3-6 month clothing, although given her length she more comfortably fits into 6-9 months now. She is still wearing a size 2 diaper. She has shown a lot more interest in food this month and has eaten most veggies/fruits/meat/dairy/nut butters that we typically have in our house. She eats 2-3 meals of solids a day and still breastfeeds in between.

She still takes two naps a day about 1.5 - 2 hours each. She also still wakes up 1-2 (mostly 2) times a night. She goes to bed around 6:30 - 7 pm and wakes up between 7:30 - 8 am.

This month her core has gotten much stronger. She is now able to sit up relatively well unassisted, but still needs help. Within the last week she has been getting into the crawling position on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth, so we think mobility may not be too far away! Her hand-eye coordination is also improving, she is now finally able to get her pacifier into her mouth on her own (although she still is a little indifferent about it).

She still loves her walker, johnny jump up, and swing. But she is mostly enjoying being on the floor - she seems very determined to be mobile (I on the other hand am okay with her holding out as long as possible). We are loving watching this girl develop! It's been such a fun stage.

We are also thinking these blue eyes just might be here to stay..!

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