Monday, September 21, 2020

Bonnie is 10 months old!


Bonnie's two bottom teeth popped up on the first day of her 10th month. We haven't seen any others yet but it looks like one of her top teeth will be coming through any day now. She also had her "9 month" appointment at 10 months so that the flu shot would be available. At her appointment a couple days ago, she was 17 pounds 10 ounces (32nd percentile) and 28.5 inches (66th percentile). She hasn't been too picky of an eater yet although sometimes it depends on her mood. Her favorite foods are still peas, green beans, blueberries, and strawberries. She is still sleeping from about 7pm to 7-7:30 am and takes two naps a day.

Bonnie is pulling up to a standing position on everything now but still isn't very coordinated yet using her walker or when we try to walk with her. We haven't had any luck getting her to mimic any of our signs or clapping yet. She is waving a lot more, but I still don't think she always correlates it to 'Hello' or 'Goodbye' yet. 

She gets very chatty when she's happy or when other people are talking around her. She has been laughing a ton, often times all it takes is a smile and she will start giggling at me. She likes to squeal and yell, but when she's babbling she mostly sticks to "da da da da", "na na na na", and more recently it sounds like she is trying to say "muh muh muh." Bonnie still has a very happy demeanor all around and has been a total joy in our house.