Monday, October 19, 2020

Bonnie is 11 months old!


Bonnie's 11th month started out with another 2 teeth (this time the top two). She is around 18 pounds and wearing between 9 month and 12 month sizes. She is babbling all the time using more sounds, but "da da da da" is still her favorite. She has also been able to repeat "ma ma" a few times.  Bonnie is very interested in facial features, often touching the eyes, nose, and ears on whoever is holding her, stuffed animals, and baby dolls. She has started showing signs of entering the separation anxiety phase, getting sad when one of us walks out of the room. She is officially cruising, pulling up on anything and everything. She has just recently learned how to use her push-walker, although she is still a little wobbly. 

We can't believe she is already going to be one next month! We are loving every minute with her. 


  1. I can’t believe my niece is so cute!!! You guys have the perfect daughter!

  2. What a doll! I can't believe she is almost a year already!
