Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Texas Trip - Part 1, Holly Lake Ranch

We took our first big trip since the pandemic at the end of June to Texas to visit family! We were very excited, and anxious to see how Bonnie would do on her first plane trip. She did pretty well given the fact that we got her up at 3:30 in the morning, and we lucked out on the first flight getting the whole row to ourselves.

She didn't sleep at all during the flight until right as we were landing (I guess that put her to sleep). She stayed asleep on me for about 30 minutes during the layover and woke up just in time for our second flight. 

It was a long morning of travel but it went decently and was well worth reuniting with family after a long year and a half. Benny's parents picked us up and we spent the rest of the day getting settled and catching up at their house, with lots of attention on Bonnie.

The next morning was Father's Day! We got up early so we could start on the 6 hour drive to see my grandparents for a couple days. 

Benny and his dad on Father's Day. 

Bonnie did fairly well on the road, but definitely needed to stop and get out at least every 2 hours.

It may not have been very classy, but we gave Benny his Father's Day cards and gift on one of our stops outside a Whataburger. Lots of family and a couple friends sent little videos wishing him a happy father's day that he absolutely loved. I turned them into coupons with QR codes that he could scan for each video. It was so fun!

By the early afternoon we finally arrived in Holly Lake Ranch! I'm so thankful we got to see so many of the amazing father figures in my life in such a short time. It was SO great to see my grandparents. My Opa was so proud and eager to show Bonnie off on the golf cart. We loved every minute of it.

Bonnie made fast friends with Grammy. We did lots of back porch sitting, they have the best back porch.

Opa opened his ice cream parlor offering root beer floats and ice cream sundaes.

Bonnie was quite a happy girl.

Bonnie loved meeting all the neighbors, dogs, and deer on the golf cart. 

We did lots of playing in the screened in porch. Grammy had all kinds of little toys for Bonnie to play with back from when we were kids. 

She could get used to this life.

We got some time with my Uncle Rob, which was so nice as I don't get to see him often enough. We played cards every night, of course.

On the third day, it was time for us to make the trip back to San Antonio. The time went way too fast but I'm so thankful we were able to visit. We loved every minute of it and could honestly spend so much more time here.

Bonnie dawned her new Holly Lake Ranch T-shirt on the road trip back, looking like a true Texan.

Thank you so much to Grammy and Opa for hosting us - we can't wait for the next visit! We love you!


  1. So stinkin cute!!! Love that littlest Texan!

  2. Such a great visit with Grammy and Opa and Uncle Rob. Bonnie looks like she had a fantastic time! Lots of travel but worth it!!!
