Sunday, August 8, 2021

Bonnie gets a black eye

Last weekend we had a cookout with our small group. All was going well, the kids were having a great time playing together. 

Until Bonnie tried to lean against a tablecloth (not knowing there was nothing solid underneath) and fell into a solid wooden chair. Unfortunately, her face broke her fall. Immediately, her eye started swelling up. 

We tried to put some ice on it and give her some medicine to help with the swelling. Her favorite song, The wheels on the bus, helped calm her down and ice cream brought her spirits back up. 

The next morning it was pretty swollen and just looked so painful. We tried to keep the swelling at bay with medicine and an ointment a friend recommended. It seemed to help and she didn't seem to be bothered except if we had to touch it. 

Thankfully after about 2 days the swelling and pain seemed to go away and we were just left with a purple bruise. 

It's now been a week and it's just about completely gone except for a small bruise under her eye. This was definitely the worst injury we've experience as parents so far. It was so scary and hard to see her in pain, I'm just so thankful it healed quickly. She's a tough girl!


  1. Sweet Bonnie! That was a ROUGH one! She is adorable

  2. Oh Bonnie! So glad she healed so quickly. She is tough!
