Sunday, March 6, 2022

37 weeks with baby #2

My 36 week update completely slipped past my mind - so here we are at 37 weeks! For reference, the picture below is the largest I ever got with Bonnie at 34 weeks. It's crazy to see the difference this time around, and we still have 3 more weeks to go.

At 37 weeks I am feeling good and getting excited! It's becoming surreal that this is actually going to happen within the next month. I never actually got to the point of mentally thinking about it/preparing for it with Bonnie so this already feels so different, just trying to anticipate what may happen and when.

I am going in every Friday for weekly appointments now. Throughout a majority of the pregnancy, baby's heartrate has been hovering in the 130s. At my 37 week appointment, it was down to 110 which they said was a little low (they say normal range is between 120 - 180). My appt ended up lasting 3 hours with lots of monitoring, tests, and an unexpected ultrasound to make sure everything was okay. After all that, I was reassured that baby is perfectly healthy and there is nothing to worry about. I'm told baby is measuring on the smaller side (totally normal), around 36 weeks. 

I haven't had any braxton hicks or contractions at this point. I just started last night to throw a couple things in a hospital bag, but still need to finish getting it put together. The friends that came to visit recently gifted Eric and I two free virtual birthing classes with their doula so we completed those last week and it was very informative! Looking back at my pregnancy with Bonnie, I feel like I didn't know anything. 

We are still working on getting projects done around the house (reorganizing furniture, clearing out cabinets to make space for baby things, cleaning out the fridge/freezers, pre-making meals, decluttering, sterilizing bottles/breast pump parts/pacifiers, working on photo books I've been wanting to get done, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, and most of all getting as much quality time with Bonnie as possible). I know I won't get it all done and I'm sure I could always find more to do, but it is definitely keeping us busy while we wait. We sure are excited to meet this little one!


  1. Oh my goodness what a ride. So glad to hear all is well though!

  2. SO good to hear all is okay. You look great! Only 3 more exciting!
