Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Riser is 2 months old

Riser is now two months old! I know these posts may be a little more information than you're looking for but they are very helpful for me to look back at (I don't remember as much as I thought I would when B was a newborn). 


At his two month check-up he was 11 pounds 7.5 ounces (33rd percentile) and 23.5 inches long (77th percentile). He still fits in 3 month clothing but some of it is starting to fit a little snug. We just started transitioning into more of the 3-6 month size. He has brown hair and it's still hard to tell for certain his eye color but we are pretty sure they are going to be brown. 


Starting at the beginning of this month we've seen lots of progress in the sleep department. At night he sleeps from 7:30 pm to 7:15 am, waking up 1-2 times a night. There have been a couple of nights he has slept without waking until 5 am. Typically he wakes up somewhere in the 1 o'clock hour, but just needs to be soothed back to sleep and then doesn't actually wake to feed until somewhere in the 3-5 am range. He is mostly sleeping in his crib at night but is still in the bassinet in our room at times. Riser is on a bit more of a predictable schedule during the day as well with two larger naps in the morning and afternoon, and then some little catnaps in between. I am often wearing him in the wrap in the morning while we're out and about (his favorite place to nap) and then he takes his afternoon nap in his crib at home at the same time as his big sister (a welcome break in the day for me).


Riser is truly the sweetest most wonderful baby. He is laid back and enjoys taking everything in. I am soaking in every bit of this stage with him. He is such a snuggler and loves being held close. He also started cooing and smiling this month! He smiles so big with his mouth wide open and has dimples just like his big sister. Aside from the wrap, he really likes the bouncer and doesn't mind tummy time. His neck control has gotten a lot stronger this month. I can't believe how fast he's growing!

My little guy. He has my heart.

Bonnie at 2 months:


  1. Wow I love the side by side! And yes, he is starting to look so much more like he will as a little boy!

  2. Oh what a sweet little smile! such a cutie!
