Tuesday, January 3, 2023


After coming downstairs on Christmas morning, Bonnie's face read exactly as we would expect. She was equal parts excited that Santa indeed came, and equal parts skeptical/unsure about the fact that someone was in our house. She walked very cautiously into the room, but eventually started coming back out of her shell. 

I have a hunch that Riser will be our kid who flies downstairs and starts chomping at the bit to open presents once he can actually walk. 

After we opened our stockings, we cooked up some breakfast burritos (a tradition we have adopted from the Adolph side of the family). Then got right into opening gifts. 

Bonnie enjoyed helping unwrap. Riser lasted about 10 minutes before he was ready for a nap, so we had to carry on without him. 

B was thrilled to receive some dress up clothes this year. 

Not to mention her very own castle, where she feels right at home. 

Riser woke up around the time we were finishing up so he got to join in on the fun and open his gifts. The rest of the afternoon was a pretty low key day! We hung at home, played with some of the kids' new toys and lazed around in our pjs. 

We had planned on going up to my mom and Dave's house Christmas afternoon, but sadly their heat stopped working and it was a little too cold to bring the kids. Thankfully they were able to come down a couple days later so we were able to have everyone together to celebrate.

We played games, the kids had a blast playing together, and then we did our gift exchange the next morning. 

Bonnie found a kindred spirit in her Auntie Katie - finally someone who will let her cook and bake to her heart's content. 

Even the kids got a game we could all play.

We also all contributed to making a gingerbread house which is so fun to see the kids get creative!

It was another great Christmas for the books. As proven time and time again, things don't always go according to plan but it always turns out in the end. We had a wonderful time with family. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  1. It turned out so wonderful being together. I am so sorry about the heating issue!!! It was a bummer! I loved our Christmas together and thanks for having us stay with you! A huge thanks to Katie and Chris for hosting everyone after just returning home!!! It was so nice!

  2. It was so so xefjk to be together - I am so thankful for our family!!
