Thursday, February 9, 2023

January extras

January was a month of getting back into a normal routine, and continuing with the busyness of life with little ones! 

When we started taking ornaments off the tree, Bonnie found one last present that we hadn't noticed in the tree on Christmas - a fun surprise (a harmonica of sorts).

We made one last visit to Christmas Town as a family.

We sit on the floor these days more than the couch.

You can find us at the library just about every week.

We've had lots of play time with cousins. Sweet Aunt Katie is always willing to hold Bonnie when 'her legs are tired'. 

We've met up with friends for walks in Colonial Williamsburg.

These two are so cute together. Riser loves every bit of attention his big sister will give him.

The Christmas decorations finally came down.

Bonnie is just looking older and older these days! 

We met up with some friends at the Botanical Garden. 

I took Bonnie to another open gym day with friends.

We got to celebrate a sweet friend's first birthday.

Bonnie had her first dentist appointment! I wasn't even sure she would open her mouth but she did a great job and was super cooperative.

We met some new friends through another moms group and all the kids loved playing on a dirt mountain. They all ended up barefoot even though it was freezing cold outside.

We've definitely got our money's worth out of the playset. We are out there just about every day the weather will allow it. 

Benny's parents sent everyone (except me, rightfully so) Cowboy's swag. They had visited the stadium earlier in the season. I begrudgingly put them in their new gear for a playoff game once the Commanders were officially out for the season.

We got to go to the bus stop with the cousins one morning and everyone took turns to see if they were still strong enough to hold Bonnie.

This girl loves dressing up. 

I've been fortunate to get to do quite a few mom's nights lately. 

We met up with a couple friends at Busch Gardens - current celebration is for Mardi Gras. 

It's been a pretty mild winter. We've had some cold spells but there have been plenty of nicer days spent outside, rolling down hills. This is the first year Bonnie has really anticipated snow and asked about it (I think she really expected it from all the Christmas movies). It's looking like we may have to just hold out hope for next year. In the meantime, we'll take advantage of the warmer days.