Sunday, March 26, 2023

Riser is 1 year old!!!

And just like that, our sweet boy is one year old. As much as I'm going to miss these monthly pictures, it has become almost impossible to make this kid lay still for a moment to snap a photo. This birthday has definitely hit a little differently for me. He has made the transition from one kid to two so seamless and easy on us. It's still hard for me to believe I am the lucky one who gets to be his mama. It is a dream. 

At his one year check-up, little man weighed in at 21 lbs 4 oz (49th percentile), his height was 30.25 inches (67th percentile), and his head measured 17.13 inches (2nd percentile). He still has just his bottom two teeth but the top two are so so close to breaking through. He continues to do well sleeping through the night from about 7pm to 7am, and still takes two naps a day. He still nurses about 3-4 times a day and loves to eat. 

This month he has been making great strides (literally) in walking. He still isn't walking confidently yet, but can take around 5 steps at a time. This has been going on for a couple weeks now so we are guessing it won't be long before he is walking all over the house. We had a wonderful little birthday celebration for him that I will share in the next post!




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