Friday, August 4, 2023

July extras

July was a very hot month, as usual. Which means if we're going to be outside it's most likely going to involve water. This month saw a lot of pool time, beach time, water table, Water Country, fountains, misters, and any other way we can stay cool. 

We had a visit from Shug, a trip to Busch Gardens with cousins, summer reading program at the library, play dates, Bonnie's first actual cleaning at the dentist, and we finished off the month with family VBS at church! It was a great month!

We've spent countless hours out here this summer.

Sunset in the Haven.

Bonnie helped Eric get ready to go out kayaking with some friends.


  1. These are great. Love the picture of Bonnie cleaning the kayak and of the two of them dressed up! So cute!
