Saturday, October 7, 2023

September extras

September has brought back routine to our days. My bible study, small group, and moms' groups are all back in session, which means Bonnie is back in her 'class' which she has been enjoying. The start of this season has felt a little different, as a lot of her little friends are now in preschool and her cousins are all in school full time - so we are seeing different faces and making new friends! I have also been feeling renewed desire to delve into quality family time at home, as opposed to feeling like I always have to be busy doing something or meeting up with people. These kids never stop growing, and we are soaking in the sweet toddler days. 

We tried to get in lots of playdates with friends before school started and we wouldn't see some of them as much.

We are back on our walks, digging in the dirt. 

We've been doing lots of unstructured preschool learning at home.

One of Bonnie's new classes is basically a whole new girl gang for her, which I love.

A close friend of mine is part of a homeschool group and is always inviting us, so we have benefited.

Balloons make some of the best entertainment.

More digging in the dirt.

Riser continues to love chasing the chickens.

It is always fun to see what Bonnie has been up to during quiet time on a day she doesn't nap. She can make some of the most elaborate stories. 

Not many things keep this kid quiet or sitting still during dinner. Corn does. 

When I say Riser likes to be in the middle of everything, he literally will climb on anything or anyone to be in the center of whatever is going on. This happens all the time.

Little man has been having a hard time with drop offs lately in the nursery, but otherwise enjoys his class.

Bonnie has been drawing a lot more. People and rainbows are her specialty. 

I feel like all I do all day is try to clean up and play damage control from whatever this boy has gotten into. If he can climb it, throw it, rip it, break it, squish it, push it, slam it, or smack it - he will. 

Meanwhile this girl is sweeter and sweeter by the day. Constantly complimenting, helping, encouraging, supporting, and loving on us. 

Playing dress up and doctor are two of our favorite past times.

Despite cousins being in school, we have still been able to do some walks with Aunt Katie. 

Eric has been catching some exciting fish.

We have continued to enjoy the beach, even in the cooler weather.

Bonnie and Riser have been playing so much more together, which is so fun to watch.

Our neighbor has a swing attached to a giant tree so it goes really far in either direction. It's like the swings at an amusement park, and the kids love it!

So long September!


  1. I love the pic of riser in dress up! Such a fun month!

  2. Fun swing! I like the comments of Riser getting into everything while Bonnie is a sweet as can be:-) Too funny! Eric's fish are huge!
