Friday, December 8, 2023

November extras

Outside of birthdays and Thanksgiving, November saw lots of play time with friends, walks, picnics, honoring veterans, a fall festival, and gearing up for the advent season. 

We continue to enjoy the weekly coop we've been going to with friends.

Riser continues to be quite daring. I tend to want to just let him go, but sometimes need to remember he is still only one.

Lately it seems like we can't throw enough challenges at Bonnie. She impresses us daily with her development and venturing further outside her comfort zone. Right after she learned to ride a bike she learned how pump herself on a swing and write her name. She has a thirst for learning new things right now that we are trying to capitalize on!

We've been enjoying the leaf piles.

We are also enjoying our prodigal son (Notch), for however long it lasts this time.

We are loving watching the kids' relationship continue to grow.

We celebrated Veterans Day by attending the sweetest concert Jane invited Uncle Benny to. It was put on by all the third graders, and it meant so much to Eric that she thought of him.

I got to take Bonnie out on another little date to miniature golf and ice cream. She is at such a fun age to hang out with. I love our time together.

We went to Busch Gardens.

We also went to the Virginia Living Museum with friends.

Our playset has continued to be worth every penny.

This boy needs to be close to someone all the time. Which means a lot of just coming up and sitting on one of us.

We went to the fall festival at church where there were hay rides, crafts, pony rides, a cupcake walk, and petting zoo.

Riser thought he could climb on top and lay on the animals. Thankfully they were well-tempered.

He marches to the beat of his own drum.

Bonnie was such a huge help decorating the tree this year. She put about 98% of the ornaments on the tree. Of course I had to move a few up, but she did a great job!

Morning snuggles with dad before work.

We got to spend a good amount of time with a sweet neighbor friend who was getting ready to move to Louisiana.

Riser has been very into our little nativity set (that we had growing up). Often he will go sit by himself and play with the little animals and make strange noises. 

We are now officially in the advent season, and trying to slow down and soak it in! We are learning all about enjoying this season of waiting.

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