Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Swim lessons

The kids completed 6 weeks of swim lessons this summer, 4 days a week. They both loved it and improved so much! Bonnie started out the summer having to get comfortable again putting her head in the water, and re-learning how to swim a small distance. Now she is swimming freestyle, able to breath and continue swimming, jump in the deep end and can swim all the way across the width of Grandma and Grandpa Dave's pool with ease. 

Riser started off this season giving me mini panic attacks because he refused to wear any sort of floatie and would cannonball into the water and just sink, and then I would pull him out and he would want to do it over and over again. And then he wouldn't even want me to touch him because he had full faith in his own abilities to swim (which were none). 
Needless to say, I need this kid to learn how to swim safely. Originally I tried to put him in lessons but was told he is too young. However on Bonnie's first day of swim lessons, they saw him jump in and care none about going under water and decided he was ready for lessons - he was in!
He finished out the Summer still not able to swim much, but at least enough to go a short distance to the side of the pool, he learned out to get himself in and out of the side of the pool without help, and how to monkey crawl on the side of the pool. I have a feeling he will be swimming next summer, at least I hope so.

1 comment:

  1. Riser is fearless and Bonnie is swimming like a champ!!
