Friday, September 6, 2024

August extras

August flew by! Between finishing swim lessons, spending a third of the month at mom and Dave's house, and getting prepared for all the Fall activities to start back up, we blinked and it was September. 

On really hot days we would turn the misters on in the front yard to cool off.

Notch has been coming back around again.

We got to celebrate a sweet friend's birthday.

I took Bonnie on an ice cream date.

Our little snuggler loves to be cozy.

And I just want to always remember this hair, as I'm sure it won't last once we cut it (which will probably have to happen soon because he is becoming more and more resistant to it being brushed, and also doesn't like it in his face).

Any park with a splashpad included is a win in this area.

We've gone to watch airplanes take off with friends.

And gone to Busch Gardens with friends. 

We've raced scooters, bikes, and trains down hills.

We watched a boat parade pass our neighborhood.

Bonnie was invited to a special 'graduation' ceremony after hours at the library for reading 1,000 books before kindergarten. 

We've also enjoyed some of the more mild weather here and there.

We went to a new playground, Taylor Farm Park, which was incredible. It has tons of playground equipment, a splash pad, and little man made creek to play in. The kids can't wait to go back.

We took Bonnie to meet her teachers and see her new classroom for preschool. She was so excited!

We took one last trip to Water Country which was probably our best visit yet as a lot of kids were already back in school.

Summer has always been my favorite season so it is hard to see it go already. But we had a great time and are looking forward to exciting new activities in the Fall. 

1 comment:

  1. That Taylor Farm Park looks pretty fun! 1000 books - good job Bonnie!!!
