Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Where Did August Go?

August has been a busy month for Eric getting back to studying for his PMP test. He's had an online class that has taken up two full weekends and the test that took up half of another weekend, and studying/working in between.

We've tried to get out and enjoy the summer whenever we can make the time but in all honesty, we didn't do much this month! We took a couple walks by the beach after work.

And last weekend Eric's mom planned a last-minute trip out to visit. Eric was busy with some PMP stuff so we didn't get a ton of time with them, but I did get to meet up with his mom and sister at Chuck-E-Cheese one day.

On Sunday we got some time with Eric and went to eat some Mexican food. We also broke down on the side of the road for an hour in the heat, but who wants to go into detail about that?

This has probably felt like the shortest summer I can remember. Thankfully, this area is almost always sunny so we can just kind of pretend it's summer whenever we want. Next weekend we'll be driving down to Mexico to get in one last little trip before we're full swing into Fall!


  1. Please be careful driving to Mexico!! Glad you're getting a trip in- August sounded busy. I haven't been to Chuck E. Cheese in years!!

  2. Looked like a nice short visit with Eric's Mom. Nice walks in San Diego where ever you are! Be careful in Mexico!!!
