Friday, July 26, 2019

June Wrap Up

June was filled with lots of fun summer activities. Benny and I started adjusting to the summer heat. Katie and Chris met up with us at Busch Gardens one day.

Eleanor was tall enough to ride a new roller coaster, despite having to wait out a thunderstorm for a while.

I got to babysit these munchkins one day. They're at such a fun age! They pretty much entertained themselves with their water table all morning.

We got to go see Eleanor at her Friends and Family show, which was adorable.

We were busy getting unpacked and settled in all month.

Mom and Dave came for a visit. Our first guests in our new home!

We went to Yorktown Beach for an afternoon to get a reprieve from the heat.

We attempted to meet up with Katie and Chris's family at Busch Gardens again later in the month but got turned away due to a blackout date, so Benny and I found a park where we could take a walk and have a picnic instead.

That just about wraps up our June. Mostly busy finding furniture, getting our house settled, and family time!


  1. Love all of this and love that you are here!!!

  2. How nice to br back close to family!

  3. Love your update!! What fun to have you guys so near!!! Glad you are settling in and enjoying Williamsburg!
