Monday, November 4, 2019

32 Weeks

We hit 32 weeks this past Saturday. It's now November which means we can officially say we will *hopefully* be having this baby next month!

Everything continues to look good at the prenatal appointments. I was told they don't try and determine the baby's position until around 36 weeks since she could still move around. I've also been told I will be gaining an average of a pound a week from here on out, the baby gaining half a pound each week. I believe I'm up around 16 pounds at this point so I seem to be on track. At the last appointment her heart rate was 141. I got my flu shot and also finally thought to ask about my blood type - A positive.

I am running to the bathroom all. the. time. It's kind of ridiculous. Thankfully my ribs are no longer sore nearly as often as they were. I do get some really random sporadic sharp pains in various different areas of my core - almost as if she's hit a nerve or something. I'm not sure what that's about.

Eric and I continue to try and take advantage of date nights or doing things that will be much more difficult when the baby is here. We still have a lot to take care of around the house but are slowly getting to things over weekends. This past weekend we cleared out a corner of the living room where we can eventually have a Christmas tree and/or a swing or rock-n-play for a baby to sit.
The biggest thing I am looking forward to in the next couple weeks is the baby shower being hosted at my sister's house! I feel so incredibly lucky and excited!


  1. All good news news. Next month your guys will be parents!!! I think the shower is going to be great. Can't wait for that!

  2. Great to hear things are going well for you and baby!
