Friday, December 20, 2019

Bonnie is one month old!

Bonnie turned one month old yesterday! She still has a little over a week to go before her due date, December 28th. Thankfully for us, she has been eating extremely well since birth. I was concerned her time in the NICU could inhibit our ability to breastfeed, especially since we weren't even able to try until close to a week after she was born. As with most things so far, she has proven us wrong and surprised us with her abilities. She is now solely breastfeeding except for the occasional bottle so that Eric can help with feedings. She was eating about every 3 hours but within the last week it has been closer to every 2 hours. She started catching a cold a couple days ago, so I'm thinking it could just be related to that. She went down to 4 pounds 3 ounces in the NICU, and gained her weight back within her first 10 days of life. As of December 18th, she was 5 pounds, 15.5 ounces. She is eating between 2-3 ounces each feed. She is just now transitioning from her preemie clothes into newborn clothes.

So far she seems to have a fairly even temperament, only crying when she needs something. Although when she does need something, she has a very strong cry. She spent her first month mostly sleeping when she wasn't being fed, changed, or burped. Within the last couple days she has had some much longer stretches of awake time. At night her sleep is a toss up. Some nights from 10 at night to 7 in the morning she'll only wake up 2 or 3 times. Other nights it seems like she's just unsettled all night and hardly sleeps. She doesn't seem to particularly like the bassinet (flat) we're using, but does like the rock n' play and the boppy lounger (inclined). I've also tried various different wraps/slings with her and she seems to like them all. Mostly, she just loves to be held. We haven't tried any swings, tummy time, or playmats with her yet, but I'm thinking we will need to start trying those out soon as she is spending more time awake.

And since we want to remember how little she is, we've tried taking a couple newborn photos.


  1. These are adorable! You are a good photographer and she is so tiny. I love her tiny legs straight out in the first one. Happy one month sweet Bonnie!

  2. These are really beautiful photos!
    Love that she's a good eater! Hope her cold doesn't set her back, she is so tiny!
