Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Bonnie is 2 months old!

Bonnie is 2 months old! She is now 3 weeks past her due date and growing like a champ. She has really filled out this month, finally getting some rolls on her legs and sweet chubby cheeks. Bonnie is still breastfeeding well, eating every 3 hours during the day and every 3-4 hours at night. She takes 2.5 - 3 ounces from a bottle or around 3.5 ounces from the breast (her pediatrician still has us going to a breastfeeding group every so often to get her weight before and after feeds). At her 2 month appointment she came in just shy of 9 pounds at 8 pounds, 15.5 ounces. Her newborn clothes are now becoming a little snug. She is mostly in 0-3 month clothes, although a lot of them are still a little big on her.

She is awake for longer stretches in the day now, and we are just recently starting to get onto an actual schedule in terms of naps/bedtime. Her feistiness is starting to show more, she is very good at telling us when she is upset or needs something. Otherwise she is still pretty even tempered, she doesn't seem to get fussy for no reason.

Bonnie's sleep has still been a bit of a toss up, having some good nights and some bad. Thankfully we are getting more good nights than bad. Within the last week since we have been getting her on more of a routine, she has had much better sleep at night. She typically goes to sleep around 7:30 and will either wake up twice to feed at 11:30 and 3:30, or three times around 10:30, 1:30, and 4:40. Then she is up for the day around 7 in the morning. She still sleeps in the rock n play in our room but she has been taking naps in her room during the day. We are also working to start getting her comfortable taking naps in her crib every so often.

Bonnie still loves to be held as much as possible. She likes to be worn in a wrap, and doesn't particularly love the swing but every once in a while shows interest. She likes tummy time and is still working on her head/neck control. Most recently she has started smiling!! This is the most exciting milestone so far. We still have to work for her smiles but we are sure now they aren't gas related. She also has the sweetest dimples when she smiles. We are loving starting to see glimpses of her personality.

1 comment:

  1. She is adorable! That is great that she is starting to respond to the schedule. Can't wait to try to get a smile from her:)
