Sunday, March 15, 2020

Back to Work

My maternity leave officially ended about a month ago. Thankfully, I have been able to telework since I've been back. It started off a little rocky as we were finding our footing. Bonnie still had a very unpredictable sleep schedule (or lack there of), and I was feeling overwhelmed and guilty as work really started ramping up and new responsibilities were off-loaded onto me.

(My little sidekick sitting in on a video meeting with the office)

I am very thankful to say in the last week or two Bonnie's sleep has become a little more predictable (at least for now) and I am getting into a rhythm with work as I learn my new role. Although I will say the Coronavirus chaos has been adding it's own set of curve balls.

I am so thankful to be able to work and stay home with my girl for now. She is growing so fast and I cherish every minute with her.

And for fun.... more pictures of Birdie.

My mom knit the adorable sweater and bonnet below.

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy given the current situation!