Saturday, March 21, 2020

Bonnie is 4 months old!

Bonnie is 4 months old! At her doctors appointment on March 24th, she was 12 pounds 5 ounces. She is still in 3 month clothes. She is still only feeding once in the middle of the night for the most part, but in the last week she has been waking up a lot more often. We are hoping it is just a regression she will grow out of in a couple weeks. On the flip side, her naps have been improving. She usually has at least two really good naps in the morning and mid day and one shorter one in the afternoon. She still struggles with waking up and not knowing how to get back to sleep but we are seeing improvement.

Her temperament this month has definitely chilled out. She has been a lot more laid back. She also doesn't seem to be as gassy so we are more convinced that was related to her discontentment the last month or two. She still loves her playmats and has recently started enjoying the swing and sitting up in the bumbo.

Her eyes are still blue and her hair is a light brown that still has a reddish/strawberry hue to it. She has been drooling much more and is always making bubbles now. She has started sucking on her hands, but not able to grab anything yet. She is cooing a ton which is so sweet. And this month she also has started rolling over! She doesn't always remember how but when she does, she will do it multiple times in a row (from front to back).


  1. Yay sweet Bonnie! I just want to snuggle her!!

  2. She is so cute! that photo is adorable!!! Great job rolling over! She is doing so well!
