Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Bonnie is 6 months old!

Bonnie is half of a year old today! She is 14 pounds 7 ounces (14th percentile), and 26.5 inches long (65th percentile). Her blue eyes are still holding strong and her hair is starting to look a little lighter to me but it's hard to say as it's still so short. She is still in size 3-6 month clothing and wearing size 2 diapers. She is still mostly nursing. We have continued to introduce food here and there but she hasn't shown a lot of interest yet.

She has dropped her third nap and now takes two naps a day that are around 1.5-2 hours. We moved into our new house this past month and she has taken it very well! The first couple nights she actually slept better than she ever has (from 6:30pm - 4am without waking). She is now back to waking up about twice a night.

She is at such a fun age and has a relatively easy temperament, really only fussy when she is tired or hungry. Her personality is starting to show, she is very talkative in the morning and loves talking regardless if anyone is around to hear her.

She still likes the swing, bumbo, playmat, and now is really enjoying the jumper from her cousins and this walker my mom gave us that has toys all around it. She is actually starting to play with the little toys, particularly shapes that slide back and forth. She is rolling over in both directions now with ease. She also found her feet this month and loves munching on her toes.