Monday, July 20, 2020

Bonnie is 8 months old!

Our girl is now 8 months old! She won't have another doctor's appointment until closer to 10 months but we believe she is around 16 pounds. She is mostly in 6-9 month clothing and still in size 2 diapers.

Bonnie's appetite has grown, eating much more substantially during meals. She has tried most foods. In return, she has started slowing down on nursing but still has milk about 3-4 times a day.

Her naps haven't changed (two a day, about 1.5-2 hours each). She is now only waking up about once in the middle of the night to feed somewhere during the 3-4 AM hour. She is going to bed somewhere between 7-7:30 and waking up around 7:30.

She has hit some big milestones this month! She is able to sit up easily unassisted and about a week ago started crawling. She loves to get on her hands and feet now too, as if she's trying to walk. She is also seeming to start reaching for us at times. We can tell she is working on her pincer grasp but is far from mastering it. And still no signs of teeth yet! I'm enjoying her gummy smile while it lasts.

She gets very excited and smiley when we go somewhere new or are around other people. She loves going to our neighborhood beach, being in the water and seeing neighbors. In general she is just a very happy baby and we are loving this stage! Being her mom is so much better than I even imagined it would be.