Friday, July 31, 2020

July Update

We are still enjoying extra time as a family now that we're both working from home. It's been a very hot summer, per usual. That means Bonnie and I get our walk or run in early and then any other outing during the day usually needs to involve going to the beach.

We've gotten to know a lot of our neighbors at the beach. 

Afternoon golf cart rides have been a lot of fun.
It's been nice to get out to the outdoor service on Sundays and recently went swimming at Katie and Chris's pool. It was so refreshing!

I'm still working on the final room that needs painting upstairs. It's been a slow process but we are getting there.
We tried going to walk around CW one afternoon after a rain storm thinking maybe it wouldn't be so hot. We were wrong. We had a good time but kept it short.

Bonnie has been loving her new freedom to explore, crawling all over the house.
I've been able to get together with some friends a few times too which has been very nice given the current situation. Strange times we're living in but I feel like things are starting to normalize in different ways. Onward to August!


  1. Love this month of July update. It’s sooooo hot!

  2. Feels so good to get fresh painting done!
    Way to try an keep cool!

  3. Glad the beach and the pool were there for you! The room looks good!
