Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Notch returns

After months and months of complete absence, our community cat has returned! We were taking a walk down our street yesterday and happened to see her in a neighbor's yard. We weren't sure if maybe this neighbor had an invisible fence or something to keep her from wandering off, so we didn't coax her. We just made eye contact, smiled, (Bonnie waved fervently), and we kept walking - happy to see she was safe. We had come up with a lot of theories by this point of what could have happened to her to disappear so abruptly, so more than anything we were just excited to see she was still alive and well.

Well, this morning while I was brushing my teeth Bonnie started pointing out the window shouting 'Cat! Cat!' I looked out the window and sure enough Notch was walking up to our front porch. We all ran outside and had the sweetest reunion. Bonnie was beside herself she was so thrilled. The cat ended up following us inside and spent all morning letting B follow her around squealing in excitement. 

We don't know if she will continue coming around or not, we don't really expect her to. But it sure was nice to get some time with her again and see she is doing well.