Friday, November 12, 2021

20 weeks with baby #2

We are halfway there! I am 21 weeks today and had our last ultrasound a couple days ago. Everything looked great at the scan, he or she is measuring a little ahead (78th percentile) currently. I have been feeling baby move quite a bit the last few weeks, especially around bedtime. Benny has also felt him/her move multiple times at this point. 

I've been feeling well and not as tired as I was in the beginning. I notice I have more energy when I stay active so I'm really trying to take advantage of this Fall weather and get walks or runs in the morning where I can. It's definitely harder with a toddler - I'm sure they will be a thing of the past once a second one is in the picture.

We have been working on getting a few things in the nursery put together and hung up. We have also been talking to Bonnie a lot about baby, but she still seems pretty clueless. We have been having a harder time coming up with names this time around - so feel free to send your suggestions! These are the last pictures we will get of this little one until we see him/her in person - so crazy to think about!


  1. Hello snuggle muffin! Can’t wait to meet you!!!

  2. Such great news! Snuggle muffin is growing well! So exciting!
