Friday, January 7, 2022

28 weeks with baby #2

28 weeks has thankfully brought relief to the consistent headaches I was getting between weeks 23-26. I am feeling much better and have my energy back. At my 28 week appointment on Monday, baby's heartrate was around 130. Bloodwork showed my iron was low so I'll start taking an extra supplement with my prenatal. I'm still feeling lots of movement from this little one, especially anytime I'm laying down or eating. With Bonnie I mostly felt little kicks, but this time around they are much larger rolling movements often times from one side of my belly to the other. I have the same tolerable rib pain I'm sure I'll have through the rest of the pregnancy, especially now that everything is being pushed up in that direction. I'm most comfortable standing upright or laying down flat. 

Now that the holidays are over and the new year is upon us, I have a laundry list of projects and things I would like to get done before baby arrives. I am going into nesting mode a little early, since I felt so unprepared the last time around.  I am very thankful and lucky this pregnancy has been much like the last one in that it has been very mild/easy on me.