Thursday, July 14, 2022

June Extras

I realize we are already halfway into July, but I still wanted to post some of the photos I never got a chance to from June - mostly random cute pictures of the kids. 

A couple girls nights - Busch Gardens, a baby shower for a friend, and an ice cream/game night.

Notch is still ever-present. 

Benny living his best life fishing from the backyard.

There has been lots and lots of library time.

Bonnie has commandeered some of Riser's baby gear. 

She also has been singing, rocking, and reading her baby to sleep.

He looks so little here! He is already so much bigger!

A small base for an umbrella came in a very large box.

We've been loving the Chapel Family Picnics, despite the heat. 

Bonnie found one of Benny's old hats.

Her favorite new thing is digging in the dirt and making dirt pies. 

Bonnie and Eric made ice cream together.

It turned out great! Although it was much better the following days after it hardened up.

Bonnie found her new favorite activity with the magna-tiles. 

Hopefully I'll have one of these up sooner than later for July!


  1. Love all the kid pics and ice cream but especially that you were able to wear jeans to BG!!

  2. I'm so glad you still have your girls nights! Love all the pictures. It's fun to see what you are up to! Mud pies, rocking baby to sleep, garage blocks, big fish! So fun!
