Saturday, July 23, 2022

Riser is 4 months old

Our sweet boy is growing fast. We were supposed to have his 4 month appointment a couple days ago, but it got re-scheduled for another 3 weeks out. I will add in his stats after that appointment. According to our scale at home, he is somewhere in the 15 pound range. He is in size 2 diapers and is moving into 6-9 month clothing. 

Riser has the sweetest temperament. He is so laid back, flexible, and happy! He is very smiley when he gets personal attention and has been laughing more and more. He is so snuggly and sweet I don't ever want to put him down. I continue to try and battle the thumb-sucking habit but am sorely losing. He is still a champion sleeper and we are praying it's not just a phase. 

This month Riser started rolling from his back to his belly, and has been sleeping on his belly at night. He has rolled from his belly to his back a couple times by accident, but not consistently. Even when we do tummy time, he is just so comfortable on his tummy he just gives up and relaxes right where he is. We pulled out the bumbo and he has been enjoying sitting at the table with us for family dinners. I can't sing this kid's praises enough. He is my little dream boat and I am in love.