Monday, August 22, 2022

Riser is 5 months old

Riser is now 5 months old! We actually got his stats about a week ago for a very delayed 4 month well-check. As of last week, he weighed 15 lbs 0.03 oz (25th percentile) and was 28 inches long (99th percentile, although I have a feeling the nurse gave him at least an extra half inch from where I was sitting). 
His naps are still sporadic throughout the day depending on what we're doing but it seems like they are shaping into about 3 a day, at least one of which is a consistent solid nap in his crib while his sister is sleeping (hallelujah). He is usually ready for bed between 6:15 and 6:30. For the majority of the last 3 months he has done a good job sleeping through the night. However, the last week or so he has been waking up 2-3 times. I'm hoping it is a short-lived sleep regression, but certainly not complaining.
This month he has started blowing lots of bubbles and the drool is now warranting a bib as part of his daily attire. He loves standing (obviously assisted), and can handle tummy time for quite a while now. It is still much easier for him to roll from back to front but he is capable of rolling from front to back. His laughs have turned into deep belly laughs which is the sweetest sound to hear. His beautiful brown eyes are getting clearer by the day. 
This past month we also started introducing a few foods. He has tried watermelon, broccoli, mushrooms, tomato, carrots, butternut squash, zucchini, apple, and avacado. His favorite have definitely been the watermelon and carrots. According to his pediatrician, the goal is to get all the fruit/vegetables out of the way by 6 months so we can start trying some of the more allergenic foods like eggs and nuts. We also realized he has started resisting the bottle because I have been much worse about using with any sort of consistency. This next month we will be working on making that a more regular habit. 
One final milestone this last month was putting him in the childcare at church this past Sunday for the first time. He did wonderfully, as expected. It was much harder on me. I would hold him all service if I could, but he is just getting too wiggly these days.