Thursday, December 22, 2022

Riser is 9 months old


This little guy is 9 months old! He is 18 pounds, 10 ounces (32nd percentile) and 28 inches long (35th percentile). He is still in size 3 diapers and 9-12 month clothing, but can fit into some 18 month clothing as well. He still loves meal/snack times and is very vocal when he is hungry, which is a big change from his older sister. He also still nurses 4-5 times a day and does a great job drinking water from a sippy cup, although he still needs help holding it. He still takes 2 naps during the day and is 50/50 on sleeping through the night. We are still battling some of the night wakings that started last month, usually when he wakes up and can't find his monkey stuffed animal. To be fair, he also has been sick on and off since Thanksgiving, with the latest ailment being his first ear infection. Thankfully, he is doing much better now.

This month Riser and Bonnie have been playing so much together and it just melts our hearts to see. He absolutely has the biggest smiles and giggles for his big sister, if she will just give him the time of day. Some of their favorite things to do are play fort (both of them get in Riser's crib and drape a blanket over half the crib and just giggle their hearts out and hug each other), peekaboo with a blanket, or crawl around chasing each other.

Riser is pulling up on everything and can slowly cruise around furniture, still a little unsteady. We stopped using the baby tub to prop him up in the bathtub and now he loves to splash and share Bonnie's bath toys. He is exploring everywhere and loves inspecting new objects. As social as he is, he also seems to be totally fine playing independently at times (until he sees me). He loves crawling around with one of his or Bonnie's socks in his mouth. He's pretty adorable. 

Riser and Bonnie at 9 months:

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