Saturday, July 22, 2023

4th of July

We didn't have any big plans this year for the 4th, but it's always a big holiday in our neighborhood. We had pancakes on the deck for breakfast.

Then dressed in our red, white, and blue and went on a golf cart ride.

We ended up at the beach, just in time for the neighborhood bike parade.

Bonnie decided she wanted to try it, so we brought her balance bike.

Most of the kids were much older than her, and treated it more like a race than a parade - but she committed to doing the whole loop without stopping. 

Eric ended up on an impromptu run next to her to make sure she made it all the way around. She very much brought up the rear, but she finished and was so proud of herself!

That afternoon we ended up back at the beach with lots of our neighbors. It's always one of the most fun beach days because everyone brings their beach floats/toys/food/games to share. The older kids hang out on the pier waiting for their turn to go tubing. 

That evening we had red, white, and blue sherbert with sprinkles for dessert. It was such a fun and laid-back day. I'm so thankful to live in this country and proud to be an American!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful day! I am so impressed with Bonnie making it the entire loop! Happy 4th!!!
