Monday, September 4, 2023

August Extras

August was our busiest month of the summer with Eric having some work travel, our family trip to Round Hill, and my girls trip. In between, we tried to take advantage of the last full month of Summer. 

We went to the Virginia Living Museum.

Enjoyed some afternoon juice boxes or freeze pops.

Eric took Bonnie on an ice cream date.

Bonnie has been a very helpful big sister, putting on and taking off Riser's shoes when needed.

We've gone on walks and had playdates with friends.

We've continued to enjoy the neighborhood beach.

We made our last visits to Water Country for the season. Bonnie snuck onto Riptide Race (didn't realize she was about 6 inches too short until after they went on the slide - I guess no one questioned her!)

She also tried Wild Thang - another one we didn't even know existed in the park. 

I have been waking up before the rest of the house to run in the morning, and have developed a new appreciation for where we live.

We continue to take walks when it's not dreadfully hot and humid.

Bonnie is constantly asking to do her 'preschool work'. 

We walked over to playground one morning while I waited on my tired getting fixed.

This guy did a phenomenal job with the kids on his own while I was away for the weekend. 

One evening we were taking a little walk/bike ride down our street and Notch came to join us (after months of seemingly forgetting about us). To say the kids were thrilled to spend some time with her is an understatement.

We got to drop in on Eleanor at Busch Gardens on her birthday!

Eric caught his biggest catfish yet out back.

Both kids still love dressing up.

Bonnie did her first drawing of all of us. (Riser on the left, daddy on the right, me down below).

We tried to take advantage of our last bit of weekday time with cousins before they all started school!

Usually we do 'milk story time' before bed where Bonnie drinks her milk while we read a story. I guess she learned about pickles on Sesame Street, and for the past few weeks she has been requesting 'pickle story time' instead. 

Riser is learning how to give kisses and it's the sweetest thing in the world.

That's about all we have for August! We are excited to return to some routine and structure in September. 

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