Monday, September 25, 2023

Riser is 18 months old

Riser is 18 months old! I didn't do a 15 month update, so a lot has changed in the last 6 months. He now has 12 teeth (including 4 molars). His hair is getting longer, and much like his older sister's at this age (light brown, curly in the back). He is 33.25 inches long (77th percentile) and 24 lbs 6 oz (53rd percentile). 

Little man is still our champion sleeper. He's never really had much of a bedtime routine, and doesn't seem to want much fanfare before bed. He's happy to just be cuddled for a minute and laid down to sleep. He sleeps from around 7:30 PM to 7-7:30 AM. He takes one nap a day between 1-3ish. We finally stopped nursing around 17 months. Despite my hesitancy and sentimental feelings towards it, he seemed pretty indifferent and took it very well. He still is extremely attached to his monkey, which is his version of a pacifier. We just recently started keeping it in his crib so that he can only have it for bed/naptime which has been a big adjustment for him, but he is handling it fairly well. He definitely gets very excited to go to bed and see his best friend. 

Riser is running around everywhere, able to go up and down stairs, climbing on the couch, and trying hard to learn how to scoot around on his little training bike. He can repeat lots of sounds and words, but has his own gibberish language that is adorable to listen to. We can tell he has a lot to say and is talking a mile a minute even though he doesn't have the words yet. He can also be very loud and likes to be heard! He can sign milk, more, please, all done, thank you, and night night. 

He has been getting much more into cars. Every once in a while we will see him off playing by himself zooming cars back and forth on the ground. He also loves to dress up, dance, kick/throw a ball, climb, or basically anything his older sister is doing. He is mischievous. If he is doing something he isn't supposed to and I use my serious voice, he will look at me and give me the most innocent smile or laugh which is very hard not to respond to in kind. Riser is going through a separation anxiety phase, where he cries when I drop him off at childcare. But it seems like he isn't upset long, and is still a pretty social little guy. We love seeing sweet Sonny's personality start coming out - we are honestly in such a fun phase right now with these two! I just want time to stop for a little while.

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