Sunday, November 12, 2023

October extras

As per usual, here is a little photo dump of some pictures from October that never made it into a post. 

Riser has made fast friends with some of the mentor moms at my mom's group.

We've continued to join in on the homeschool group most weeks. 

Eric put together a new (to us) dining room table we got from a friend.

The rain doesn't stop these kids from playing outside.

Riser and Eric were matching at church one day. 

Then Bonnie and I realized we kind of matched too!

I went to a sweet friend's baby shower.

The kids and I were on our own for a bit this month with Eric traveling to San Diego and North Carolina.

Some of the many faces of Riser.

We still like to play at the beach fairly regularly.

Often on Fridays we meet up with friends in CW to walk and the kids ride bikes/scooter.

This man has had a busy month. We have been soaking in the time we have with him.

Riser has been very into hugging his big sister. He will chase her around just to try and hug her. She thinks it's sweet once or twice and then just tries to push him away and yell "too much hugging!"

Our girl is starting to get a little more opinionated about what she wears - she only ever wants to wear dresses she can twirl in.

As soon as the Halloween buckets came out, they started digging and using them for what else... dirt.

We've enjoyed some beautiful Fall walks collecting leaves.

October was a beautiful month - onward to November (and the start of the holiday season)!