Friday, June 14, 2024


Another year of artwork on the doors! Bonnie's creativity has really been exploding this year. She loves any opportunity to do crafts, drawing, or painting. She had so much artwork it didn't all fit on her door. 

Some of my favorites:

A picture of her and Riser that she cut out of construction paper, next to a school bus (first time attempting to draw a bus).

Her thankful turkey that she decorated, and all the things she was thankful for in November.

A picture she spent an entire small group session coloring, making sure there was no white space left.

Her first time drawing people with arms and legs.

Her first water color painting.

This was also Riser's first year with some artwork on his door!

My favorite is his sun rays. His teacher said he got so enthusiastic gluing his sun rays on his artwork that there weren't enough left for the other kids. 

He also has a thing with glue. He likes a lot of glue.

In fact, he gets a little overzealous with most things. Glitter.

It's so fun to see the kids' progression through the year!

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