Tuesday, June 4, 2024

May extras

The past month we have really started to feel the transition into summer mode. A lot of our structured activities (soccer, dance, MOPS, bible study, homeschool, and small group) have come to a close until the Fall. We have been staying busy with trips to the beach, play dates, Busch Gardens, and time outside.

Thankfully we have still been able to keep up with a couple girls nights each month.

Until next season MOPS family!

Riser has been a lot more into his power tools lately.

We will miss our weekly lunches with friends after bible study.

The kids are excited for the summer reading program to start though!

Both the kids have been taking a liking to the skateboard, even in heels. 

Bonnie caught her first catfish on her little pink fishing rod.

I got some sweet Mother's Day cards.

And we got to spend the afternoon with my mom and sister - what a treat!

She still loves all critters.

And the corn obsession is still strong.

We have had lots of little turtles and big snapping turtles in our neighborhood.

The kids ate lunch one day with this little bird who sat next to them the whole time.

A friend of mine had rented a bounce house and ended up being stuck with it for a couple extra days, so it made for a fun mid-week playdate.

The kids and the chickens are becoming fast friends. 

We try to do morning walks on the weekends before it gets too hot.

Benny surprised us with Dunkin Donuts one morning - always reminds me of my grandparents visiting as a kid!

Hanging in the hammock.

Our homeschool group also finished up for the season. 

And Bonnie finally met a good friend who loves crawly things as much as her. They bring each other worms, crabs, frogs, and cicadas as a love language.

It was a great month. We are excited for some more unstructured time and all the things that come with Summer - my favorite season!