Wednesday, July 10, 2024

4th of July

We were excited to make a trip up to Grandma and Dave's house for 4th of July this year again! We got there the evening of the 3rd and stayed through the 6th. As soon as we got there mom took them out to the garden to help her pick cucumbers. 

On the 4th, Dave had a delicious brisket ready by lunchtime! We decided to do a big late lunch while the kids were napping.

Mom made a trifle that everyone loved.

Picking lavender. 

We got some rain on and off throughout the day but were still able to get in the pool a little bit.

We had our little parade around the pool and then the guys shot off some fireworks after the kids went to bed. 

Morning snuggles with Grandma.

Dave put the guys to work moving some heavy boxes.

We took the kids to the playground one morning - perfectly shady for such a hot day.

The day after the 4th we spent almost the entire day in the pool, it was the perfect weather for it. Uncle Eric was giving Bonnie some lessons and she was doing so many new things! She got over her fear of jumping in the water (even jumping into the deep end a few times), she started being able to come up for a breath while swimming so she could go farther, floating on her back, and diving down deeper for toys. 

She also loved being catapulted off of Uncle Eric's shoulders.

Riser either loved the water and would stay in for a long time, or wanted nothing to do with it (much like his personality so far with most things - all or nothing). 

Thankfully if he wasn't into the pool, he was very happy to be wrapped in a 'bankie' (towel) and watch from the shade. 

We had such a fun time and can't wait to be back with the whole crew in August!

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