Monday, July 1, 2024

June extras

June was a hot month. You'll see most of our free time was spent doing something involving water - pools, swim lessons, Water Country, the beach, water tables, sprinkler, etc. It was a fun summer month and nice to have a little more flexibility in our schedule.

We went to a sweet friend's birthday party.

I went to Busch Gardens with some friends one night. We took up the entire middle row of one of the roller coasters which was so fun.

We went to Water Country a few times and the kids have been loving the novelty of it.

We've spent a good amount of time at our neighborhood beach and Jamestown beach. 

The homeschool group has been meeting there every other week, which is nice to still have a little routine.

We've had fun building forts.

And playing out back with the baby pool and water table.

Bonnie loves being able to pump herself on the swing now and can get herself pretty high.

We had a little going away night for a good friend who is moving away. 

We've had friends over at our beach.

We've had lots of lunches outside.

We've been going to the Chapel family picnics, which the kids are always so excited for.

The kids and I got to watch Eleanor graduation elementary school! We are so proud of her.

Riser pooped in his potty for the first time! He actually pooped in the potty, freaked out, jumped up, and peed outside the potty. It was about a week ago and he hasn't done it again since.

We got to celebrate this wonderful man for Father's Day.

He even cooked his own dinner because he wanted steak. 

Summer means ice cream around here.

The kids both started swim lessons and are doing amazing. Bonnie is able to swim but still needs to work on getting her head up to breath while doing so. Riser was originally too young for lessons but once they saw him eagerly jumping in with no floatie on, they decided he was ready and let him join.

Playing cars on the floor.

We've had some fun with the little splash pad.

Munching on apples together.

Another Water Country day with friends.

Bonnie continues to craft a lot. She recently made a mobile for Riser's bed. 

We've been working on updating our bathroom. 

Water Country with cousins! The kids had so much fun.

Ring around the Rosie. 

It was a wonderful month and we are soaking up this summer season!

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