Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Happy birthday my love

Yesterday was Eric's last day of being 33. Last night I started asking him some random questions about how he felt about 33. It was fun to reflect with him on the last year and I think he enjoyed answering them. So I decided to come up with a few more and maybe try to make it a tradition to ask each other these questions on our  future birthdays.

Eric's birthday questions (33):

Favorite memory of 33: Getting engaged

3 words/themes to describe 33: Progress, excitement/climactic, adventurous/fun/a lot of new things

Something you learned: (more of a lesson re-learned) perseverance/hard work can pay off in all aspects of life (relationships, work, etc)

Favorite trip: Colorado in March 2016 (specifically hiking during a blizzard in the Rocky Mountains)

Favorite holiday memory during 33: All of us being dressed up in the same outfits during Christmas

Something difficult you went through/learned/dealt with: Understanding and coming to terms with the fact that some things are out of our control, and learning to identify and deal with those things that may subconsciously affect us

Favorite weekend activity: Spontaneous trips (Ophelia, Williamsburg, amusement parks, Jones Point, Demolition Derby, etc)

Somebody who entered your life during 33 and someone who left: (entered) Sydney and Jane (left) Uncle Larry

Favorite morning during 33: Waking up in the fort, going fishing at Lakeridge and Lauren catching her first fish. Also the morning I proposed - I had been nervous all week but the nerves had gone away that morning, all of our family knew, and I just remember being very, very happy.

Favorite game played: Harry Potter at Rehoboth Beach with the Hall family

What you want to focus on during 34: Nurturing our relationship, exploring a career path outside of D.C.

What are you excited for during 34: Getting married, traveling internationally together, the potential of moving

I don't want to embarrass Eric too much - but I have to brag a little bit; he truly is an amazing man. He has more patience then just about anyone I've ever met. He cares deeply about our family and friends. He keeps such a positive attitude, even in situations that can be frustrating or take a lot of time and energy. He isn't just willing to help - he is eager to help anyone, anywhere, anytime; he has a heart to serve. He is calm in stressful situations and is always able to put things into perspective. Obviously I could go on, but I'll stop there. I'll just say that I'm very blessed to have him in my life.

We just got back from an amazing (albeit exhausting) weekend celebrating a friend's wedding in Colorado. I'll try to get pictures up soon. We are going to have dinner with Eric's parents tonight to celebrate him :) Then we are already looking forward to the weekend to catch up on some rest and do something fun for Eric's birthday.

Happy birthday my love. I can't wait for many, many more birthdays with you!


  1. Love that Harry Potter game and what a fun tradition!! Where are you traveling internationally next year?? And definitely move to the peninsula!

  2. I am excited Eric is a part of our family too. This is beautiful and I agree, a really nice tradition! Happy birthday Eric!!
