Sunday, September 8, 2019

Labor Day Weekend

We decided to have an impromptu date night on Labor Day weekend. We don't often do date nights out in an effort to save money but who knows how many of these we will get once we have a baby!

We went to a local mini golf place, which we both always enjoy.

We went out for pizza afterwards and then wandered around Target, because why not.

The next morning we went to park nearby because I had been itching to go on a hike. One thing we missed in California was hiking through all the trees.

It was a moderate hike that followed along a lake, so there were beautiful views the whole way.

Afterwards we had a picnic in the park and then decided to rent a kayak for an hour.

It was so beautiful and peaceful. If we weren't so tired from the hike we would have loved to stay longer.

It was such a fun day, we always have a good time when we explore a new place locally. Although I'm pretty sure I was on the couch the rest of the day - we were tired!

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