Monday, April 20, 2020

Bonnie is 5 months old!

Bonnie is 5 months old! I can't believe how fast time is going. It has been a big month for her! According to our scale she is around 13 pounds. She is now in 3-6 month clothing and still in size one diapers, but will be moving to size 2 once we finish the pack we have open.

The greatest improvement this month has been her sleep. She is still feeding about twice in the middle of the night, but she has learned how to self-soothe. Bedtime and nap times used to be so difficult and she was not getting nearly as much sleep as she needed. Now that she doesn't need us to rock her to sleep or go in her room every time she wakes up she is sleeping much better. She is taking about 3x 1.5 hour naps a day. She is clearly much happier now! At the same time we were teaching her to self-soothe, we also transitioned her out of our room and into her crib. I do miss her being in our room, but it hindered her being able to self-soothe when I was right next to her. It was a big month for sleep progress!

Her temperament as I mentioned before is so much happier and relaxed than ever before. I really feel like we hit a sweet spot this last month (I know, that means she will probably switch things up for us soon).  She has the biggest smiles, especially for her dad. She loves to "talk" and "sing" and is using her voice so much more now. She has giggled a couple times but not consistently yet.

She loves sitting in the bumbo, her swings, the stroller, and still loves her playmat. She will talk to the little animals and is now grabbing at the things hanging above her. She has found her hands and is often either looking at them or they are in her mouth. She can't consistently roll over yet. But she did roll from back to front for the very first (and only) time in the middle of the night recently.

Her eye/hair color haven't changed this month. She is still breastfed 99% of the time, but we have introduced food this month. We have tried a few different vegetables (just steamed so they're soft) and banana. Some days she is interested and some days she isn't - we aren't pushing it, it's just for fun right now. Stop growing so fast!