Thursday, April 16, 2020


Easter looked a little bit different this year not being able to get together with family. Hopefully this is our only big holiday spent in quarantine! We still had a nice time, Bonnie helped paint a picture to drop off for her cousins since we were all missing them this weekend.

Easter morning we had a pancake breakfast while watching the service online.

Bonnie got her first Easter basket.

We even got baskets!

We went to go see sheep near CW.

Bonnie was getting fussy and ready for a nap so we pretty much just jumped out of the car to pet them and then went back home.

We enjoyed some downtime relaxing together. We also FaceTimed with both of our families.

That night we had a nice dinner and played some games after Bonnie went to bed. Hope everyone had a nice weekend!


  1. What sweet pictures of Bonnie! Happy Easter! It was nice to Facetime with you. Hugs and kisses!
