Friday, April 10, 2020

Social Distancing

There isn't a whole lot to update on as we have all been staying home as much as possible. It was kind of nice the first week or so but has definitely become harder and more taxing the longer it gets. This is what our social distancing has been looking like:

A LOT of walks - average of about 2 a day. Eric and I are still working full time from home so we usually take a short walk during a lunch break and then a longer one in the afternoon.
Lots of FaceTiming, Marco Polo, and video calls with friends/family. Our small group still meets on Tuesday nights, we watch the virtual church services on Sundays, my MOPS group still meets virtually, we FaceTime with Benny's family when we can, and video message with the rest of our family and friends daily. Our California family even had a virtual birthday party for all the April babies.
 We have been playing lots of games.
The stores look the same here as they probably do everywhere.
Lots of work calls with our little helper.
And of course tons of quality time with our sweet girl who is in such a fun stage right now.
 Hope you all are hanging in there and finding some joy in this isolation! We will certainly be excited once it is over though.


  1. That last pic reading the book is the best! I miss this sweet girl!!

  2. Oh so cute! I also like that last photo. Hope you and Katie can meet for a walk outside and be able to see each other soon...

  3. Nice post! It was so nice to see all of you on Zoom for the birthday celebration!
