Monday, August 31, 2020

August Catch Up

August has been a busy month! We had a roommate for half the month, our bird turned 9 months old, we've been visiting with lots of friends, family, and neighbors. Everything is new with Bonnie and it is so much fun to watch her explore. She's crawling all over the place and practicing putting more weight on her legs.

She absolutely loves the dishwasher. If she sees it open, she drops everything and comes flying over to "help" me do the dishes.

We've taken lots of rides on the golf cart and spent lots of time outside taking advantage of everything our neighborhood has to offer.

We've spent plenty of time at the beach.
Bonnie and I always do a walk or run early in the morning before it gets hot, but have started taking a couple walks with friends to a park in the morning.
We got to celebrate with Eleanor for her 7th birthday - we are so thankful for her! She is such an amazing cousin to Bonnie, always looking out for her. It's been so fun to watch her grow. 

We've been continuing to enjoy the outdoor church services and all the cousin time.
And of course we've done lots of playing at home as usual.


There's never a dull moment with this sweet girl in our lives and we are loving every minute of it. Hope everyone is enjoying the rest of the summer!


  1. So nice that you live in such a great community and wonderful to spend time with cousins! Those orange sunglasses are so adorable. Bonnie looks so happy!
