Monday, August 17, 2020


Over the last two weeks we had a friend staying with us. Eric's buddy Caleb was in the middle of a big move and needed somewhere to land in between. This was the same roommate we had in San Diego so it was nice to be able to have him stay with us in Virginia too.


 He took to Bonnie very quickly. He loved trying to help teach her to walk.


It was nice for us to have an extra person to play games with.

Another friend they served with in Iraq was on his way down to North Carolina for another deployment and stopped by for a day.

These three hadn't all been together since our wedding, and before that not since Iraq so it's great to get them together when we can!

I think it was a little bit of a tougher goodbye when he took off last week. He is moving to Hawaii for a new job though so hopefully one day we can go crash his place!