Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Bonnie is 9 months old!

This month started out with a very exciting milestone - sleeping through the night! It has been wonderful. She still takes two naps a day. Bonnie is most comfortably in 9-12 month clothing and size 3 diapers now. She won't have her doctor's appointment for another month but she seems to be somewhere in the 16-17 pound range. She is eating 3 solid meals a day and has milk about 3 times a day. 

Bonnie has started crawling so fast I have a hard time keeping up with everything she is getting into these days. We've done a little baby-proofing but still need to keep a close eye on her. She has started pulling up on things, mostly onto her knees but every once and a while onto her feet. Some of her favorite things in the house are doorstops and air vents. 

She also apparently loves cats and dogs. I recently visited a friend with a cat and I could not keep Bonnie off of this cat. She kept trying to "pet" her and grab her tail, and just chase her in general. And anytime we take walks in the morning and stop to talk to a neighbor with a dog, she gets a huge smile on her face and starts giggling. 

Bonnie loves to squeal and be vocal in our house, and we love talking to her. She isn't saying any actual words yet but sure likes to practice. She still has no teeth but we're thinking one of them will pop up soon. Within the last week she has started practicing waving, but at very random times. She doesn't actually wave when prompted. In general, she's just so much fun to be around. We are loving the stage she is in!